Frawley Coaching

Hello Friends,
Wouldn’t it be rad if new agents had the answers to their most commonly asked questions right at their fingertips?
Wouldn’t it be rad if all agents had access to an entire library of conversation models, checklists, training, and tutorials?
Wouldn’t it be rad if Productivity Coaches could focus more on actually coaching agents rather than training them?
You see, a new agent development program typically requires coaches to spend more time instructing rather than coaching.  Quite often new agents are time bound to other careers while their businesses get off the ground as well. The Frawley Coaching website gives agents the autonomy to develop themselves at their own pace, and it also gives productivity coaches the leverage they need so they can focus on the role they were hired to do: coach!
My name is Linsey Frawley and I have been in the real estate industry long enough to wear quite a few hats. I’ve been a solo agent, I’ve been on a team, I’ve lead a team, and for the past several years I’ve worn my favorite hat of all: that of a coach. This website has been a dream project of mine since I began coaching, and I can’t wait to show you around!
I am so genuinely grateful that you’re here.
Please enjoy the experience and let me know what you think! 
Yours in Success, 
Coach Lins
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For real estate professionals getting started or needing a refresh, the Frawley Coaching Resource Library is an on-demand training piece for new and developing real estate agents as well as a leverage piece for KW PC Coaches. This resource features KWRI training, organic fundamental training, and MN forms training as well. Wisconsin and Texas programs rolling out in Q1 2024. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.