Frawley Coaching

Intellectual Tourism 1/26/24


This might be a sensitive subject and I feel it is still important to address. In Episode 2 of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Podcast, Jason Abrams tossed out a term that landed heavy on me as a coach: Intellectual Tourism. 

One of the Six Personal Perspectives of a successful real estate agent is to be Learning Based. Meaning, we should continuously seek to learn more so we can evolve in our personal and professional lives. I consider myself a learning based person. I’m here for it, and hopefully you are too. Here’s the trap though: so many people get caught up in learning all of the things, and they fail to implement the things they are learning. Inevitably, nothing changes. It’s an easy thing to do, especially for people who are newer to the industry and who are fearful of things they don’t yet know.

Psssst! I’ve got a secret for you. 


Yep. I said it. You won’t. And neither will I!  If an agent’s goal is to learn as much as they possibly can and somehow achieve expert level before even going out into the field, they’ll become withered and broke and never get into action.  Every single transaction will furnish something new. Every client you work with will help you learn something different. Every cooperating agent will give you a nugget that you can keep in your pocket for future reference. Real estate is absolutely one of those industries where hands-on learning is best. You will never learn how to swim unless you get into the water.  You will never learn how to fly unless you jump out of the plane. This might sound terrifying, eh? I don’t blame you if this makes you feel uncomfortable. 

Let me offer something that should ease the burn a bit… While you won’t be able to rely on everything in your own brain to do the things you need to do for your job and business, I have some great news. YOU CAN BORROW MINE! You can borrow your team leader’s brain, or your ALC brain, Agent Services, DOFI’s, MCA’s, Coaches… we’re all here because we want you to succeed, and we’re here to help. Our Keller Williams culture is one of contribution, so rest easy knowing that you have literally thousands of people at your six as you navigate the new things.


When you attend a class, read a book, or listen to a podcast with the expectation of discovering the secret sauce, please know that you will never FIND it because, my friend, YOU ALREADY HAVE IT within you to make the magic in your business come to fruition. 

So when you open your noodle to absorb all the goods, (and I truly hope you’re doing this often), ask yourself these questions:
WHAT am I learning? 
WHY am I learning these things?
HOW will it affect my business?

And HOW might I make a plan to turn this new knowledge into ACTION?

If you don’t have all of these questions answered,  you might fall into the Intellectual Tourist trap. 

I hope this little note got you thinking a bit more about how you approach your learning adventures. 

As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with each and every one of you.

Yours in Success,
Coach Lins

 PS Check out the The MREA Podcast Here!

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