Frawley Coaching

The Feedback Triangle 6/16/23


The Feedback Triangle

Did you know that a barometer exists to your goal progress, and this tool is guaranteed to help you either learn or grow? It’s called THE FEEDBACK TRIANGLE and if you listen closely in accountability groups, you may recognize the lines of coaching questions.

You see, regardless if a successful agent hits their goal or not, they’ll always want to evaluate the lead activities that created the lag outcomes. This is a black and white process that will help you find out why you didn’t hit your goal and/or what you did RIGHT to hit it so that you can duplicate success. 
Here we go. 


If you DID NOT hit your goal…

  1. Did you have a clear understanding of what you were committed to do?  If you didn’t, you can stop right there and get to work on setting effective SMART goals. If you DID know what you were getting into, move on to question two. 
  2. Did you have the tools, skills, mindset and/or knowledge to hit your goal? Was there training you were missing? Did you second guess your ability to hit the goal? Did you need to download or learn a program or platform to complete goal? If the answer is no, go back and find out what you need to know and/or change in order to hit your goal. If the answer is yes, move on to question three: the zinger. 
  3. Did you have it in your SCHEDULE? Friends, this is the goal-killer of 90% of our missed shots. If it not in your calendar, it doesn’t exist. If you find yourself missing the mark on a regular basis, it’s time to sit down and get right with your schedule.

If you DID hit your goal…

Go back through the Feedback Triangle and ask yourself the SAME questions, to find out HOW and WHY you hit your goal so that you can recreate the magic for your next plan.

This stuff is super simple. It isn’t always easy. If I can bust out a graphic for it in less than five minutes, you can apply it to your business today. 

I hope you find this message helpful. I truly care about each and every one of you and I sincerely want to see you succeed.

As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with you. 

Coach Lins

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