Frawley Coaching

Find Your WHY 8/11/23



I stumbled across something pretty incredible this week and I want to share it with you. Simon Sinek is an acclaimed author and a public speaker who frequently discusses leadership, motivation, and how to play the infinite game in life and business.  
Did you know that the part of the brain that controls feelings doesn’t control language? Sinek says that this is why we frequently use metaphors and analogies and why we struggle to tell people how we actually feel. This is a huge challenge for us as human beings and knowing that we actually need to WORK at this is half the battle. The other half is actually sorting it out. 

The path to success requires us to do some deep inner work, and understanding WHY we do what we do and how we are the way we are is the most impactful way for us to start moving forward. Check out the short video below and take some time this weekend to roll through some of Sinek’s theories on purpose and motivation. Sinek brings clarity to something many of us didn’t really know that we needed to figure out. Enjoy. 🙂

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