Frawley Coaching

The Secret to Success 8/15/23


Hello Friends!

Real Estate is a mental game, and self-awareness is the first step toward forward movement.  

This message is for the agents who have found themselves in a period of stagnation, and they’re mistaking certain activities as forward motion. 
You know what I’m talking about. We’ve all been there. 

“I haven’t generated any leads today, but I’ll go to this meeting or event or class so at least I’m doing something.” 



It’s not uncommon for agents to ask leaders, mentors, and heros for their secrets. If an agent is not finding traction in their own business, they’re often wondering what hack they missed, what trick they didn’t pick up on, or what loophole they have yet to discover. They’re waiting to discover the magic button in hopes of finding a way around the hard work.
What most people fail to realize is there is no ‘magic’ in success. 

There is no secret sauce. 

There is no unicorn class you can take or shiny gimmick you can buy that will hockey stick your trajectory toward unlimited potential without doing the good old fashioned lead generation activities.

Successful people don’t do anything extraordinary.

Read that again.

On the contrary, most successful people embrace doing the mundane and ordinary every single day. This is what is so remarkably simple about success. 

Look. We want you to show up. We LOVE putting on events for you to learn and grow, just look at the valuable list of trainings coming up! We want you to sharpen your knives and improve your skills and hone your talents so that you may do your absolute best for your clients. We want you to learn all of the things. Don’t mistake this message.  I’m not arguing against learning, I’m arguing against replacing Busyness with the activities that are actually required in your Business. Going to every class or event offered will absolutely solidify your learning based corner of the Six Personal Perspectives, but will it help you discover the magical “on” button for your business?


The secret to success, you ask? It’s not hiding from you. 

The plain and simple truth is that there is no secret.

You already have it.

You’ve always had it. 

You already know what to do. 


Please be aware when you find yourself replacing your lead generation with marketing designs, classroom attendance, and event participation. If you aren’t actually generating your leads, you’ll surely hockey stick your trajectory to the toilet bowl. 

I hope you find this information helpful.

As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be in business with each and every one of you. Enjoy the news!


Coach Lins


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