Frawley Coaching

Pivot Shift Ahead + John Moran 10/27/23



If you haven’t already joined the Facebook Group called Pivot: Shift Ahead, you’ve been missing out. Former BOLD coach and genuinely wonderful human being James Shaw hosts a fuel-up call that is a huge boost for your morning motivations. 

Pivot: Shift Ahead is a resource for all real estate agents during this unique market. They host a FREE daily Mastermind call weekdays at 8am ET and interview top agents on Wednesdays at 1pm.

This community is all about you and supporting your business.

I’m copying an excerpt from John Moran’s post in Pivot: Shift Ahead yesterday regarding what’s coming up in our industry. John is an active member in the group, he’s a KW team lead in Destin Florida, and his musings are always on point. Please read carefully and take note. 
“If 2024 is going to be tough, and let’s just assume it is going to be tough, then you need to keep the following concepts at the front of your mind.
Throw nickels around like they are manhole covers. What do I mean by that? Be very aware about what you are spending your money on and don’t spend dollars on things that you can do without.
Keep you ego in check. If you’re like me, you like to show off a little every now and then. What that looks like could be buying a new sports car when your current car is fine. Going on an expensive trip when a staycation is what is called for. Eating at fancy restaurants when eating at home is the prudent move.
This next one is a hard if you have employees. Take a hard look at what you are matching your revenue up to at work. Does every dollar spent create two to three coming back in? If not you may need to cut “extras” at work.
Be careful here. Cutting expenses is good business practice but do not cut marketing dollars that actually yield the proper return.
Sometimes you really do need to spend money to make money. Just make sure you are spending in the right places at the right times.
Next, work twice as hard, even if it seems like it’s producing only half as much as you’re used to. Just do it, your future self will thank you for it.
In sum. In sum.
The next 12-18 months may be the toughest run you will ever face in your real estate sales career. You will likely have to stretch your dollars further so be smart with your money.
The good news? Everything changes. What’s easy gets hard. And what’s hard, gets easy. Stay the course, put in the work, continue to get better and at some point you’re going to look up and notice you have a bunch of listings and several properties in escrow about to close.
The tough times will be over. You’ll be a hardened pro with the skills that can only be earned in a tough market.
Because you decided to go all in and do the right things in the hardest of times those skills you honed and that experience you lived will be more than enough to earn you millions of dollars in future commissions. And how great will that be?
You got this. Here we go. Let’s get it.” -John Moran
As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be in business with you. 
Coach Lins

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