Frawley Coaching

IGNITE On-Demand is LIVE! 11/10/23

Good Morning, Friends!

Heads up,  my children will be home from school today. If you need to get ahold of me, my response time may be a lot slower than normal. We have slime plans. Please send sanity.

I’m working on a couple of great workshops for December to help get us dialed in for 2024, and I’m looking forward to hashing out a Farming workshop as well as a Social Media workshop in which we’ll map out both our Social and our Farming plan for the first three months of 2024. It’s going to be awesome because we’ll work together to share the workload for content creation as well as touch ideas.

Stay tuned!


In the meantime… 

I have a really cool announcement to make.



My heart is so completely full.

Ignite is a comprehensive training program for new and developing agents that breaks down all of the roles of a real estate agent from becoming the expert to planning out the rest of your career. It consists of twenty classes about becoming an expert, lead generation and lead follow-up. Ignite On Demand is best experienced with an accountability partner. 

If you haven’t experienced Ignite, and you’re ready to dive in and really juice up your business, NOW IS THE TIME. I recommend starting the paced package right after Thanksgiving so you’ll be all ready for sprints in 2024. If you want in, simply reply to this email and let me know!


Oh! Oh! One more cool thing!

*Insert Party Dance*

The comprehensive resource library website I’ve been working on is nearing completion and the promotional video is up. Please check it out and let me know what you think!


The value of this program keeps 10x’ing itself and we’re all better for it.

If you are not a member of the Frawley Coaching Resource Library Community yet, what’s stopping you? Join TODAY!


I trust you had a productive week  and that you’ve blocked personal time this weekend for yourself and/or your family. The days are getting a lot shorter so  get yourself outdoors into the sunlight while the MN air isn’t so cold it hurts our faces. Vitamin D is so important for our mental health so please be purposeful about taking care of yourself. 


As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with each and every one of you. 

Yours in Success, 
Coach Lins

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