Frawley Coaching

Leaning In 11/24/23


Happy Friday, Friends!

I trust you are enjoying a long weekend and that you are making memories with the people you love. This is a scheduled email, so please trust that I am 100% invested in my family time when this arrives in your inbox.  I am likely preparing for round two of binge eating and naps during the football games.  Good grief I just love sweatpants season! 


Hey- did you feel that? Yeah, that. Right there. Did you feel it? The energy shifted! The weather is changing, the new year is coming fast, and every single one of us is on the cusp of something incredible.

Do you find yourself making plans for the new year? Casting visions? Setting goals? If you aren’t yet, you should be. Don’t resist that discomfort of knowing that change is coming. Lean into it. That’s growth, my friend. 
I will be hosting a few exclusive workshops in December that will help us all prepare to have our best years yet. The first one is focused on habits, and I’ll be bringing the key points from some of my favorite books so we can dial in our own success rituals. The second workshop will be a collaboration project where we’ll work together to craft our social media posting touches for the entire first quarter of 2024. Last, for those of us building geographic farms, we’re going to work together to design a farm schedule for all of 2024.
If you’re reading this email, it means that you are personally invited to attend. These won’t be promoted externally, only directly from me. I’m positive you’ll find a ton of value in these classes, and I am working hard to ensure that you walk away from each of these classes with something that could possibly change the trajectory of your career. You deserve it and I want this for you.

As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with each and everyone of you.

Yours in Success,
Coach Lins

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