Frawley Coaching

You Are Incredible 12/8/23


Happy Friday, Friends.


During the 2024 Game Plan class this week, many of us explored our personal habits and rituals, our areas of opportunity, and the ways in which we will make our five year dream a concrete reality. We practiced mindfulness techniques and we made commitments to ourselves to to improve our game and increase our chances of hitting our targets. 

I missed an incredibly important piece of information during that class, and I humbly ask for grace and forgiveness from the attendees for skipping the most important part. If you were there, please read this carefully:


You are incredible. 

You are amazing. 

You are brave.

You matter.

Goal setting classes are often focused on changing ourselves for the better, and they often lack the most important emphasis on celebrating and embracing our unique and beautiful selves the way were are. Too often, especially this time of year as we’re approaching a new one, we talk about making changes to fit into the ‘ideal’ mold that we feel we should squeeze into. We want to alter the essential fibers of what makes us US, and if we’re successful in making those changes, we risk completely disconnect from our true selves.

I challenge you to not just figure out your path through concrete goal setting, but also figure out how to do it, so that you remain your authentic self. 


If you need a great pep talk, please take a few minutes to hear what the legendary Elyse Myers says about loving yourself. Enjoy. 

As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with each and every one of you.

Yours in Success,
Coach Lins

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