Frawley Coaching

Commit to Self Mastery

Happy Friday, Friends! 

I hope you are doing well and that you survived what may very well be the only little blizzard our MN climate will deliver this season.
I’d like to talk a little bit about the Six Personal Perspectives of successful real estate agents. If you’ve been through Ignite this will be a review. If you’re fresh in the business, however, this is going to be something you’ll want to study and commit to memory and eventually, mastery. This is the foundation of Keller Williams Realty, and a giant part of our vocabulary. The most successful real estate business owners commit to master these Six Personal Perspectives:
Step 1:  Commit to “Self Mastery”
Step 2:  Commit to the 80/20 Principle
Step 3:  Move From “E” to “P”
Step 4:  Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan
Step 5:  Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs”
Step 6:  Be Accountable
Let’s discuss Step 1 today: Committing to “Self Mastery”. 
High achievers who commit to Self Mastery:
1. Know their goals
2. Know their strengths and weaknesses
3. Know how to work with both of their strengths and weaknesses to seek and master the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits to reach their goals. 
See, none of us are alike, and you’ll find all different kinds of social and skill levels producing at a high level in our industry. Your basic fundamental challenge is to explore your strengths and identify your weaknesses in order to create a solid plan to mastery. Lets work through a quick example for the goal of Mastering Prospecting. 
Goal: Master Prospecting
Strength: Great with people
Weakness: Uncomfortable bringing up business
Once you’re aware of the three key pieces, the goal, your strength, and your weakness, you’ll be able to hatch out a plan to hit your goal. 
Plan: Practice Scripts, Attend BOLD, Call Sphere of Influence

Now you try it. List three things that you currently consider obstacles in your business. Then, find an accountability partner and share with them these obstacles. Discuss with your partner what strengths you have that might help you overcome these obstacles, and make sure you write those down. Then, discuss your own personal weaknesses and opportunities that might stop you from accomplishing your goal. Write these down. From there, decide if any of these weaknesses are completely immovable (they rarely are) or if there are things you can do to remove those obstacles. Write down your action plan for overcoming these obstacles. Then, make a plan to complete your action plan. Carry it with you. Write it on your bathroom mirror. Tell everyone that you’re accountable to what your journey is going to look like to Self Mastery. Then do those things. 


Side note… This is a Journey. 
Read that again. 

Do you ever catch yourself thinking these things?
“Once I have my (insert thing) in order, everything will be all set.”
“When I close (this many) transactions, my business will be rolling.”
“When I learn how to do (these things) I will have arrived.”
These are all outstanding goals however many people (myself included) get so caught up in chasing the finish line, we can’t see past the experience of getting there. Worse, we can’t imagine what things will be like once we’ve jumped that hurdle. 

Here’s your necessary reminder that you will never jump the hurdle. You will never fully ‘arrive’ at Self Mastery.  Your commitment to Self Mastery isn’t finite, it’s endless. We’ll always be learning, growing, and sharpening our saws. Your commitment to Self Mastery is a JOURNEY. Commit to the journey. 

As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be in business with each and every one of you. 
Yours in Success, 
Coach Lins

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