Frawley Coaching



Hello Fearless  Agents! 

Hey I’ve got an important question for you… Does lead generation sometimes feel ‘icky’ to you? 

It really shouldn’t, and if it does, we need to figure that out right now.



This week something came up not once but twice in coaching conversations that caused a seismic shift in the agent’s perspective about lead generation. It is so important. I think we need to talk about it right now, because if it’s happening to them, it might also be happening to you.

We all know what we need to do to succeed, right? Sometimes it’s uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s so painful that we will get so far in our own way that we won’t even do it. 
Folks, I’m not going to sugar coat this for you. This is the reason why more than 85% of real estate agents fail out of the industry in their first two years.  

Let me give you an easy button. 


What do you say when you make connections every day? What comes out of your mouth and your head and your heart when you reach out and talk to people in your sphere? Is about real estate? Is about generational wealth? Does it feel uncomfortable? Does it feel insincere? Do you feel like this dude? (Shiver).

See, this is the one thing that seems to be getting in a lot of people’s way. Making connections, picking up the phone, asking for business… doing any of it seemed to feel fake to them. These agents weren’t doing their lead generation because they thought they might wreck any trust a person has with them. 


Folks we all need to understand that we aren’t just in the real estate business. We’re in the RELATIONSHIP business. Meaning, when you pick up the phone to shoot a text to someone you haven’t talked to in a while and you jump straight into sales talk, they’ll assume (quite often correctly) that you don’t actually care at all about them. They’ll know you’re calling with a motive. They can smell it on you.
So make the conversation about them. 

Remember that everybody you know and everybody you meet needs to know two things from you more than anything else: 

  1. “Do you care about me?” and

  2. “Can you help me?”

So show them the answer is yes. 

Your job isn’t to sell yourself. Ever. Your job is to show those people that the answer to both of those questions is YES. 

The acronym FORD stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams

When you call someone, ask them about these things. Keep the conversation about them. KEEP THE CONVERSATION ABOUT THEM. It’s human nature to return the questions, so there’s a solid chance they’ll ask you what you’ve been up to. Say something like this: “Things are great! I got my real estate license and things are going amazing.” THEN STOP and redirect to your people. Know that you might not get this chance. You might not get around to chatting about your new career and as much as it may feel like a failure if you don’t squeeze in a referral ask, its NOT. What you’re doing is making deposits in the relationship bank, and I promise you that collateral will eventually pay off in spades. 
Look, I get it. We’re anxious to make a sale and we’re excited to find clients, and I am positive that none of us got our real estate license just to take it for a test drive. 
Pour into your people. Love on that sphere of yours. Grow it. Nurture it. If you take great care of it, it’ll soon begin to take care of you. Please be patient and consistent. I promise it’ll be worth it. 

I’ll be attending Keller Williams Family Reunion all next week, so please lean on your coaches and your leadership teams for support. 

As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be in business with each and every one of you. 

Yours in Success, 
Coach Lins 

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