Frawley Coaching


Trust me for a second. Read the following things out loud to yourself:
I am powerful.
I am thoughtful.
I am kind.
I am healthy.
People trust me. 
I attract money.
I am creative.

Does it feel uncomfortable saying these things out loud?
It is time to stop thinking affirmations are cheesy, because there is actual scientific evidence that tells us that affirmations are powerful and that they actually WORK. Read more about that HERE).



While we are independent business owners, it is so important to keep our mindset sound and our mental energy safe. It isn’t uncommon for real estate professionals to feel alone and lost on an island, especially when much of our work as solo agents is independent from other people. As far as I’m concerned, writing and reciting daily affirmations is absolutely not negotiable. Much like a flight attendant reminding you to put your own oxygen mask on first, this coach is reminding you that it is mission critical that you preserve and protect your own mental wellbeing.

Affirmations essentially train our brain to believe something even before it is true. This provides context, motivation, and yes, even manifestation for the life you want to live and the goals you want to achieve.  You’ve heard the old adage to dress the part when you want to become something new. It is also true that you need to think the part.

The first step in any obstacle is believing it can be overcome. So BELIEVE IT. 

Let’s dig in…


Many people keep a book handy for inspiration, some folks download affirmation apps on their smartphones, and others free-write and develop their own affirmations as needed throughout their day, week, year, and life. I use an app on my phone every day for inspiration and I physically write my affirmations down every day at the beginning of my journal. Typically the first one or two affirmations I read on the app are enough to get my creativity going, and from there I free-write several motivational affirmations to kick-start my day with a healthy mindset.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure the affirmations are relevant to you, simple to use, and ones you’ll be willing to commit to using every day. They don’t need to stay the same, but they do need to resonate with you.

Below you’ll find a few rules for affirmation practice. Take these into consideration while you hype yourself up. 

  1. Your Affirmation needs to be present tense, (even if the intended purpose is for you to become something).
    The purpose of this activity is programming. You’re training your brain to believe something about yourself before it’s even true.
    Consider the following affirmations: “I’m going to be a millionaire,”  or “I’m going to drive a Bentley,” or even “I’m going to lose 25 pounds.” If you speak to yourself in future tense, it allows room for your consciousness to recognize the fact that it is something you are not right now. This practice actively acknowledges something missing or something lacking, which leaves room for the possibility of failure. Avoid this.
    Instead, consider statements like “I am wealthy.” Or “I close 120 units a year.” Or even “I’m a healthy person who makes healthy choices.” These are declarations, like facts, and the more you tell yourself these things, the more your brain will believe them and the more you will act accordingly. I’ll get more into preemptive affirmations in a little bit…
  2. Your Affirmations need to be relevant and timely to you.
    Sometimes you’ll need a little extra boost in one corner of your life or another. If you don’t win a listing you’re in competition for and you feel down about it, don’t let the negativity win. You might catch yourself with limiting beliefs about your abilities and skills and likability. Stop. Ask yourself:  “Is this really true?” Chances are, it really isn’t.
    Don’t let one miss DEFINE you. You ARE a powerful businessperson and you ARE an incredible real estate professional and you ARE taking great listings people people DO trust you and they WILL hire you.
    If you begin a new gym routine and you’re hoping the habits you’re building will stick, remind yourself about what you’re going to become and act accordingly. You ARE strong and you ARE dedicated and you ARE an athlete. YOU are the type of person to make healthy choices and YOU ARE incredible.
  3. Your Affirmations are mandatory.  
    Don’t forget to add the affirmation about why you’re worthy of affirmation. You are strong, you are valid, you are important, and you are allowed to occupy the space you do wherever you. You are creative, you are thoughtful, you are a good friend, a great listener, and a wonderful partner. Repeat these things to yourself daily.
  4. Your Affirmations don’t need to be extraordinary.
    You’ll learn soon enough that I am a giant proponent of mental health, and as such, I do recognize that sometimes the most monumental thing someone might do in a day is simply get out of bed or wash their hair. If what you think is an insurmountable task that other people seem to have no problem completing, tell yourself that you’re the type of person to do that task. “ I am the kind of person who starts their day even though I sometimes don’t feel like it.” “I eat a healthy breakfast every day.” “People count on me.” “I do hard things.” You get my point.
  5. Your Affirmations can be preemptive.
    When I was in early adulthood, I had several friends and family members in the military. They were stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, or somewhere in Germany awaiting deployment. I’ll never forget stocking candy, magazines, cigarettes (don’t tell my mother), chewing tobacco, gum, books, cd’s, and other goodies into little white boxes to be shipped overseas to my loved ones. Whenever I mailed a box, I would wait in what seemed like an endless line before being interrogated by Barb behind the counter about the contents of my lovely packages. No, Barb, I’m not sending firearms, they have enough of those. No, Barb, I promise there’s no gasoline, lighters, blow torches, or hand grenades in the box. Again, they have enough of those. No, Barb, I’m not sending inappropriate magazines or videos. Stop, Barb, this is for our soldiers. This went on for months and even years, until it got to the point that even driving past the post office would give me anxiety. I knew I would be questioned and I even knew the questions by heart. Much like waiting in a security line at the airport, I was convinced that some sort of dangerous contraband would magically and inexplicably appear within the contents of my gifts and I would be arrested, imprisoned, and my life would be over. I realize now that those insecurities were absurd, but back then, over time, the process of driving to the post office only to be subject to interrogation raised my anxiety to near panic levels. Still today, my personal hell, my insurmountable task, is going to the post office. I’d rather swim five miles straight than drive my little car to the city postal office to drop off a package. I’d rather get a root canal. I’d rather fast for three consecutive days while sleeping on the floor of The Cheesecake Factory. I’d rather not. So in order to overcome this bizarre mental block, I remind myself that I’m the kind of person who goes to the post office without a problem for days and weeks before the holiday season for the plain and simple purpose of getting gifts and cards posted on time. You know what? It works! I might never get over the task paralysis that overcomes me when it’s time to send something through the mail and I need to do it in person, but I have found that affirming myself in advance helps me overcome those obstacles.
    If you have a big event or an appointment coming up, or even an insurmountable task, consider affirming yourself in that direction ahead of time. I promise. It works.

Understanding the power of daily Affirmations is only the beginning. The really juicy part is when you practice daily Affirmations and begin to believe in yourself, your abilities, and your desired identity. It will help you overcome imposter syndrome and get you to the finish line exponentially faster because you’re already halfway there. 

Business ownership is a form of mental gymnastics. Please don’t ever underestimate the power of flexing those confidence muscles. 


As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be in business with each and every one of you. 

Yours in Success,

Coach Lins

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