Frawley Coaching

Because… 12/15/23

Happy Friday, Friends!

It was really cool to see so many friendly faces at the Collective Holiday Party last night! My voice is gone, my feet are sore, and it was 100% worth it. I trust those of you who were in attendance had a blast like I did! Hey, a party like that doesn’t come easy. So if you happen to bump into Jake, Jen, or Bethany any time in the near future, don’t forget to let them know what an outstanding event that was. 


I just can’t stop talking about Phil Jones. Not only did I get to hear him speak at an event a couple of weeks ago, I discovered this week that he was the first guest on Jason Abram’s new podcast The Millionaire Real Estate Agent! I know I know I’m super late to the party here. If you are too, check it out (linked below). 

“Because” is the most powerful word in a sentence, according to Phil Jones. When you understand what the “Because” is, then how you can make that happen is interesting to your prospect. 

Here’s something for you to keep in your pocket. This is gold. 

“Because of the fact that you said _____,

then I recommend _____.”

You’re going to need to know the “Because”, and you’re going to need to go at least three (minimum) questions deep in order to make this script work for you. It’s incredibly simple, although getting to the “Because” will require what Jones refers to as ‘Strategic Curiosity’. Don’t push your own agenda, discover theirs and see how you can make it align with yours. “If the WHY is big enough, people will put up with almost every HOW.” -Jason Abrams

If you haven’t started listening to this podcast, get after it.  I’ve listened to the first episode three times already and I keep picking up more gold. 


As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with each and every one of you.

Yours in Success,
Coach Lins

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