Frawley Coaching

Exactly What to Say 11/17/23


Happy Friday, Everybody!

We have a short week coming up and I hope everyone is as pumped as I am to celebrate Thanksgiving! Heads up, I’ll be in the office on Monday and Tuesday and then I’m off for the rest of the week with my family. I can’t wait!

Last night several of us had the honor of attending an event where world renowned author Phil M Jones was presenting. Jones specializes in how to implement small language changes in order to get swifter and more meaningful responses from the people you’re speaking with. Words are so powerful and it is imperative that we take special care when crafting not only what to say, but how we say it. If you aren’t already purposeful about spending time rehearsing your conversations, it’s absolutely time to do so now. The lead pool is shallow and your chances of scoring your unfair share go up exponentially when you are secure and confident in what you say. Go sharpen your knives, folks. 

I have a shiny new book to dive into and I’ll be sharing more of Phil M Jones’s wisdom with you next week. 


As I’m tuning up my 2024 touch plan , I intend to capitalize on the holiday opportunities coming up. I know I’m not alone. You can do this too!

This is an excellent time to reach out to those dusty contacts and pour life back into them. “Hey this is Linsey! I’m calling to check in because we haven’t spoken in a while, and I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! How are/is…” (Insert FORD model here). This is simple and easy and if you also have a pile of contacts that you’ve been neglecting in your database, now you have a reason to call. 

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday next week. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, try to be more purposeful about expressing and acknowledging gratitude. I trust we’ll all connect on the other side of next week with fuller hearts. 

As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with you. 
Yours in Success,
Coach Lins

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