Frawley Coaching

Happy New Year 1/5/24


Happy New Year, Friends! 

🔥Here we go! 2024 is about to be on FIRE🔥

I’ve been working through my 4-1-1. I actually hybrid this with a 12-week-year format, so I’m essentially treating Q1 like it’s own year and when I visit my 4-1-1, I’ve added a quarterly tracker between my annual and monthly goals. This helps me and my ADHD brain chase the finish line, since for me, the end of 2024 seems SO FAR AWAY and I might give way to procrastination. ALSO. Do you know that motivational energy you feel right at the beginning of the year? I get that four times a year and it’s electric. Interested in learning more? Check out the 12 Week Year book and see for yourself!

YOUR 4-1-1

Have you had a chance to set up your 2024 game plan? Do you have your 4-1-1 all dialed in? Quite a few of us met on Tuesday and set up our 2024 plans and it was a great conversation. If you’d like to set up some time next week to revisit your Economic Model, I’m more than happy to crunch some numbers with you.

For your use and enjoyment, please reference the links below for your goal setting. 



In the spirit of transparency, I’m going to be vulnerable with you and let you in on some of my big goals this year.  I’m not messing around, folks. 1-3-5’s are drafted and all of these are broken down into solid, manageable monthly chunks.

KW EDINA PC: Onboard 40 new agents to the program, 96 Appts, 105 Units Closed.

FRAWLEY COACHING: 334 Subscribers by EOY, 2500 questions written, 50 newsletter/blog posts

FRAWLEY HOMES: 12 Units, 126,000 GCI, 18 Appts

FRAWLEY TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT: 30 new agents onboarded in 2024.  270 Closed Files by EOY.
PERSONAL: 12 dates each with hubs and kiddos, 95 Books Read, 160 Gym Visits, Three Family Vacations + Take Sister to Ireland for Her 50th Birthday (she’s the older one! ;-)).


See these? They look like a lot! Alone and on paper they look like too much. They even get me a little uncomfortable and I SET THE DARN THINGS.

Do your goals seem like they might be too high?

Give me a minute, I’m on to something here…

Let’s use my appointment goal, for instance. I’m shooting for 18 total appointments for the year, which breaks down to 2 (1.5 rounded up) a month. Likewise, my goal for new agent appointments is only 8/month or roughly 2/week. 2500 questions written comes out to ten a day every weekday, or fifty a week (something I’ve been doing for several years now and it is important to me that I keep the habit up).  36 family dates? That’s easy. Once a month for each of my kiddos and Nate.


How do we eat the whole dang elephant?

One stinkin bite at a time, that’s how.


Aim high. Break it down. Get after it.

I believe in myself.

I believe in you.

You are going to absolutely CRUSH this. 


As always, it is an honor and a pleasure to be in business with each and every one of you.

Coach Lins


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