Frawley Coaching

Parable of the Bricklayers

Happy Friday, Friends!
This week I had an awesome opportunity to lead a discussion about defining your value as a real estate professional. As our industry and market evolves, our value proposition as well as our identity as professionals has never been more integral to our ability to survive and thrive in the real estate profession. 
Not too long ago I heard a story about three bricklayers and their self-described identities. It has a profound effect on me and my own perspective and I want to share it with you today. 
Christopher Wren, and English architect and astronomer, observed 3 workers building saint john’s cathedral after it burned in 1666. He asked each in turn what they were doing.  The first worker said something to the effect of “I am a bricklayer and this is my job. I do this to feed my family.”  The second worker said, “I am a builder and I’m building a wall for a church.” The third worker proudly stated, “I am a cathedral builder. I am building a kingdom.”

How does this parable apply to your own unique value proposition? How does this apply to your identity as a business owner, a member of your family, your community? 

The lesson from the parable of the bricklayers is that finding purpose and meaning in one’s work can greatly enhance satisfaction and motivation. It emphasizes the importance of seeing beyond the immediate task and understanding how one’s contributions fit into a larger, more significant goal or vision.

Defining your unique value proposition involves identifying what sets you apart from others in your field or industry. Here’s a simple process to help:
Understand Your Strengths: Reflect on your skills, knowledge, experience, and personal qualities that differentiate you from others.
Identify Market Needs: Research the needs and pain points of your target audience or industry to understand what they value and what problems they need solving.
Align Your Strengths with Market Needs: Determine how your strengths can address the needs and solve the problems identified in the market.
Craft a Clear Message: Create a concise statement that communicates the unique value you offer and how it benefits your target audience.
Test and Refine: Experiment with different versions of your value proposition and gather feedback from peers, mentors, or potential clients. Refine your message based on their input.
Consistently Communicate Your Value: Integrate your value proposition into your marketing materials, website, networking pitches, and other communication channels to consistently convey your unique offering.

So next time somebody asks you what you’re doing, consider this message before you craft your response.


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