Frawley Coaching

Plank With Purpose 11/3/23


Hello Friends!

I hope every had an incredible Halloween! My littles looted our neighborhood in their headless horseman and dragon costumes and they scored way more candy than their little bodies could possibly handle. This was a great chance to connect with neighbors that I’ve not chatted with in a while, and I managed to squeeze in a few genuine real estate conversations while we were having fun on our candy route. Tell me, were you able to add more contacts to your database or have some awesome conversations this week?

The Third Annual Plank Challenge is now underway and we’re planking with purpose. We will be accepting donations all month long for local charities and we need your help!

I’m personally pledging for Survivor Resources, a local nonprofit that provides grief counselling for adult and child survivors of suicide, homicide, overdose, and accidental death. Please check out their mission and consider donating if you’re not already planking. Together we can absolutely make a difference. 

I’m on a mission to continue leading with my heart, and I strongly encourage you to do the same. The more goodness we put out comes back to us tenfold. 

As always, it is an absolute honor and a privilege to be in business with each and every one of you.  


Coach Lins

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