Frawley Coaching


Happy Friday, Friends!
This week I had the honor and pleasure of attending the Keller Williams Mega Leadership Conference down in Austin, TX. There I was able to connect with hundreds of KW leaders like myself and mastermind about different ways we can and will show up better for the agents we lead. What’s remarkable to me is that much of what I learn in leadership translates directly to skills we can use in our own production. In previous newsletters I’ve discussed the 80/20 principle, and I’m going to go a little bit more into it today. 


This might be a little messy and it will absolutely be powerful. CEO Mark Willis hammered this message repeatedly over the course of our two day event: do what matters and everything else will fall into place. So what matters? Imagine what your life and business might look like if you were to spend six to eight hours of your day generating leads, showing and presenting to clients, negotiating contracts, facilitating closings and managing financials?  Imagine what could happen to your pipeline, your income, and your lifestyle if you spent all of your time within these six core competencies of business. That’s what top producing real estate agents do every day, and that’s exactly what you should be doing right now to build a life by design and not by default. 
Think critically about what your day to day activities are. Think about what you are actually doing with your time and your energy. Are you ‘on the clock’ or just getting by? If you’re ‘on the clock’, that means your time must be focused on dollar producing activities that are outlined in the Six Core Competencies of a Business, as discussed in Session 2 of Ignite: Embrace Your Job. 

So what does matter? What’s the point? Why are we spinning our wheels and chasing squirrels when fundamentally, the activities top producers do for successful growth are relatively simple.  
Evaluate yourself. Be real. Be honest. What are you doing right now for your growth and business? 

Folks, you already know what you need to do. Do that. 




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