Frawley Coaching

Wishes Are Choices 5/19/23


Something remarkable occurred to me while I was listening to one of the MAPS coaches talking about self leadership and ownership of our own actions during Mega Camp. I remember when I was a fresh agent, admiring some of the most successful people in this industry, thinking to myself: “I wish I could have a business like that!” I remember when I was new to coaching and I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best coaches in the industry. “I wish I could be that powerful of a coach like that.” I remember seeing one of my friends completely crushing her parenting game with the most patience I’ve ever witnessed given to her toddler. “I wish I could be such a patient mom like that.”

From a different perspective, I’ve come to realize that many of my wishes… were actually choices. I had the power to choose to become a successful real estate agent because I was able to choose weather I would pick up the phone and make my contacts every day or if I was going to loaf around in my bunny slippers playing Skyrim all day with my sweetheart. I had the power to choose to invest in my own personal development so that I may become a better leader and coach. I had the power to chose to take a deep breath, count to ten (or twenty, let’s be honest), and speak with my children with grace and care, knowing that their little brains just aren’t equipped with the reasoning skills that mine is. I realize now that by limiting my thinking and considering my dreams as ‘wishes‘ instead of ‘choices‘, I was limiting my own progress, and it took me SO MUCH LONGER to get where I am without the simple shift in perspective.
We get to choose.

So. Take some time today and think about what you have always wished for. Are those actual wishes, or are they things you have the power to choose? If they’re your choices, then tell me, what are you going to do next?

As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be in business with each and every one of you. 

Coach Lins 

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