Frawley Coaching

Your Best Friend


Happy Friday, Friends!

I trust you had an incredible week and you’re absolutely crushing your goals for spring. Today concludes the first full week of March and do you know that that means? It means that we’re nearly finished with the first quarter of 2024! I know, it’s nuts. If you haven’t revisited your goals for 2024 lately do that TODAY. Make sure you’re on track and if you’re not, make those adjustments asap so you can still hit those goals. If you need some help, please make a plan today to connect with a coach or a leader in your office to get the help you need to keep moving forward.

Make yourself a priority.


I want you to take a moment to imagine your very best friend. Someone who 100% loves you for who you are. Unconditionally. Someone who without a doubt trusts you earnestly and wholeheartedly. This person is loving, forgiving, thoughtful, and dedicated to you. They’re your number one champion and they always put your needs first. They love you and they trust you.

What would you do for them? How would you treat them? How would you love them?
Would you leave them alone if you had a commitment to them? Would you let them fall down on their dreams? Would you abandon them when they need you the most? Would you care for them and honor the trust they have in you? Are the words you use with them kind? Are they gentle? Are they loving?

This person, who you probably already have in mind, is likely not the person you think I’m talking about. 

This person is you.

Now hear me out…


To our younger selves…
The optimistic or lost, scared, or hopeful. We owe everything to that younger version of ourselves because that person is depending on us to show us the way and to realize our dreams. 

To our future selves…
They would be nowhere without us and it is up to us to set them up for security, succuss, love, and safety. Every time we wake up in the morning we must commit to rising with a giving heart and a full commitment to honoring our future selves.

To ourselves today…
Oh dear friend we must be tough and we must be gentle. We must hold ourselves accountable to those other two versions of us so that we thrive in security and confidence. 
The next time you decide to pass on the important things, I want you to consider who you are letting down.

This week at Family Reunion, Tony Robbins asked us to consider how we treat our clients and to imagine what our service and our business might look like if we gave each of our clients the same commitment we’d give to our best friends and our loved ones. I think he’s onto something, and I also think we can take this a step further and remind ourselves to honor ourselves. 

I remember that anxious little girl getting pushed around on the playground who was misunderstood by her teachers. That little girl was lost and scared and she desperately needed more trust and love and understanding. She thought she was stupid and unlovable. She thought she was a bad kid. She thought she was ugly.  She never believed that she deserved good things. I think of her when I set my goals and especially when I crush them. I write to her and tell her she’s deserving and that she is loved. I tell her that she’s beautiful and worthy and that I’m doing all of these things to show her that she really is incredible. 
I think about an old lady, retired, financially secure, surrounded by her family, feeding bellies and hearts. I imagine her volunteering her time and opening her home and heart to people who need it. I see her with her feet up next to the love of her life, holding hands and watching the last sliver of sunlight disappear on the other side of the lake. I want her to know that I love her and I admire her and I’m proud of her, and I and absolutely committed to giving her the life she deserves.

Take some time this week to consider your people. Not just the ones you surround yourself with but also the one you used to be and the person you will become. Love them and honor them. 

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