Frawley Coaching


Every week, Coach Frawley pens a coachable ‘love letter’ to the agents who are learning from her. Please enjoy the archive of thoughts, ideas, questions, tips, and messages of love and gratitude. 

If you’d like to subscribe to the weekly newsletter, please click the link below!

Linsey Frawley

Eight Pillars of Trust

You might remember me writing about The Trust Edge awhile back, one of my favorite books from one of my favorite authors. David Horsager is a MN native and shortly after he published his first book, his entire team rented office space from the same brokerage I hung my license. Dual career during the market […]

To access this post, you must purchase MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION or MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Agents).

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Linsey Frawley

Double Down On Your Fourth Quarter

Friends, this is it. It’s the end of the year. What? I know what you’re thinking. “Lins, it hasn’t even snowed yet. We’re nowhere near the end of the year.” Hear me out.  The indisputable law of real estate is that our actions today will garner results in roughly ninety days. Three months. One quarter. […]

To access this post, you must purchase MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION or MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Agents).

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Linsey Frawley

Price to Sell In Any Market

This week I had the honor of teaching a class to a room full of professionals about pricing accurately. Pricing a home to sell is one part math, one part science, and one part magic. The magic isn’t so much wizardry as it is your ability to interpret market dynamics and apply that information to your strategy. Your fundamental role

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Linsey Frawley

Don’t Look At the Rock

At a neighborhood potluck last weekend I had the genuine pleasure of meeting two of our newest neighbors and chatting with them about their favorite hobby: mountain biking. They’re SERIOUS about the sport and they travel all over the country seeking destinations and terrain varieties that I didn’t even know existed. When discussing the bikes that they ride, they rattled

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Linsey Frawley


On August 15, 2024, Buyer Broker commissions disappeared from our local Multiple Listing Services and it felt like half of our industry members panicked. As professionals authorized to practice law in a very limited capacity, our agents and brokers are heavily regulated and rightfully so. We have all recently been bombarded with information from our local associations, our brokers, our colleagues,

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Linsey Frawley


Mel Robbins says that we’re all afraid of the same thing.  Heights, small spaces, lions, clowns (don’t judge me)… it’s all the same. We’re afraid of the unknown. What are you afraid of? What is stopping you from doing the thing? What gets in the way? Let’s unpack that together… My own coach is out of the office with a medical

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Linsey Frawley

The Middle

5/31/24 Happy Friday, Friends! Stolen from my journal this week for your reflection and enjoyment, this message is for my fellow overachievers and the folks who keep piling things on their plates in the spirit of productivity. ​Folks, we’re forgetting something important. We’re forgetting to enjoy the process.  We just came off of a long holiday weekend, which was longer for

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Linsey Frawley

Six Personal Perspectives Step Six: Be Accountable

On our path to mastering the six personal perspectives of a millionaire real estate agent, today we’re going to talk briefly about Step Six: Be Accountable.  It’s remarkable to me how many people are completely adverse to the word Accountability, and I think it’s because most people associate the word Accountability with the word Consequences, and the word Consequences is

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Linsey Frawley

The Post-It Trick

THE POST-IT TRICKAre you starting a new project? Finding yourself in a new career? Trying to unpack and prioritize your thoughts, ideas, and questions? Might I suggest a trick I used when I was beginning my career as a coach? I used post-it’s. Yep. Sticky notes. About four years ago,  I came off of maternity into a new role in leadership and I couldn’t seem to get myself

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Linsey Frawley


SIX PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES STEP FIVE: REMOVE YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS On our path to mastering the six personal perspectives of a millionaire real estate agent, today we’re going to talk about Step Five: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs. Do you ever find a jerk on your shoulder telling you that you’re not ready, that you’re not good enough, that you don’t know enough,

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Linsey Frawley


Happy Friday, Friends! This week I had the honor and pleasure of attending the Keller Williams Mega Leadership Conference down in Austin, TX. There I was able to connect with hundreds of KW leaders like myself and mastermind about different ways we can and will show up better for the agents we lead. What’s remarkable to me is that much of

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Linsey Frawley


On our path to mastering the six personal perspectives of a millionaire real estate agent, today we’re going to talk about Step Four: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan.Being learning-based means having a mindset focused on continuous learning and growth. It involves being open to new ideas, seeking out knowledge and feedback, and actively pursuing opportunities

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Linsey Frawley


5/3/24 We all stack habits regardless if we’re aware of it or not. What habits we stack are the key to how productive we are and how successfully we can achieve our goals.  Habit stacking is a productivity and habit formation technique where you build new habits by “stacking” them onto existing ones. It involves attaching a new habit to

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Linsey Frawley

Parable of the Bricklayers

Happy Friday, Friends! This week I had an awesome opportunity to lead a discussion about defining your value as a real estate professional. As our industry and market evolves, our value proposition as well as our identity as professionals has never been more integral to our ability to survive and thrive in the real estate profession. Not too long ago I heard

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Linsey Frawley

Keeping Your Head in Multiple Offers

HOW IS THE MARKET? Are people asking you this? What’s your answer? My favorite response to “How’s the market” questions is one of curiosity. If appropriate, I’ll straight up say: “It’s great! Why do you ask?” Sometimes folks just ask because they don’t know how else to engage with you, their new real estate professional friend. A LOT of people

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Linsey Frawley

Body Double

Hello Friends! I trust you had a productive week this week! As we’re well into our second week of the second quarter of 2024, I realize that I’m probably not alone in my pursuit for the ultimate spring cleaning experience. This pertains to my home, my health, my relationships, and my business. Are you sorting and purging too? How’s that

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Linsey Frawley

When It Rains

I’m going to veer away from real estate pep talks this time and do a little dive into something that keeps coming up in conversations with the agents I’m coaching, with my fellow leaders in and out of the industry, and with my friends and family.  Despite the arrival of spring, many people are still weathering the burden of the

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Linsey Frawley

Beware of ‘Try’

3/39/24 Happy Friday, Friends! Welcome back to the MN winter! I hope you traveled safely this week during the ice and snow, and I hope those of you returning from Spring Break had a wonderful and restive time. Let’s get into it.  I’m about to say something that is going to make many people, including me, kind of uncomfortable.  The word

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Linsey Frawley

The Sitzer-Burnett Verdict

3/21/24 Happy Friday, Friends.  Last week, a landmark federal court decision was made that will absolutely impact the way we do business. Since then, we’ve been bombarded with speculations, accusations, and hypothetical solutions from the media, in our social channels, and from our colleagues in the industry. It’s important for agents to understand that we don’t have answers yet, as

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Linsey Frawley

Six Personal Perspectives Step Two: Commit to the 80/20 Principle

We’re natural helpers. We want to fix problems. We have this inherent need to be the solution finders for ourselves and to our people. It is so important that we learn how to stay our own course and keep our own oxygen masks on so we can best serve our clients, our loved ones, and ourselves.  How do we do

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Linsey Frawley


3/15/24 Ok friend, truth time. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the words Time Blocking? If you are anything like the way I did when I began taking my real estate career seriously, you get uncomfortable.  To me, time blocking sounded like a chore, something that other people did. Something that didn’t really

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Linsey Frawley

The Sphere of Influence Challenge

3/8/24 THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE CHALLENGE I can’t count how many times I’ve been to Keller Williams Family Reunion, and as the times pass, my takeaways have morphed from the specifics in the beginning to more general theories about real estate and coaching in general. The fundamental models are often reinforced in different ways and I’m not one to chase

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Linsey Frawley

Your Best Friend

3/7/24 Happy Friday, Friends! I trust you had an incredible week and you’re absolutely crushing your goals for spring. Today concludes the first full week of March and do you know that that means? It means that we’re nearly finished with the first quarter of 2024! I know, it’s nuts. If you haven’t revisited your goals for 2024 lately do

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Linsey Frawley

Your First 100 Days SmartPlan Is LIVE

3/1/24 Happy Friday, Friends! I’ve been spending the week in Las Vegas at KW Family Reunion, and I can’t contain my excitement about all of the takeaways I get to share with you in the coming weeks from that incredible convention. I’m also completely giddy to share with you that my newest project is now complete! (SQUEEE!) It’s not a

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Linsey Frawley


2/23/24 Hello Fearless  Agents!  Hey I’ve got an important question for you… Does lead generation sometimes feel ‘icky’ to you?  It really shouldn’t, and if it does, we need to figure that out right now.   FAILING FORWARD WITH FORD This week something came up not once but twice in coaching conversations that caused a seismic shift in the agent’s perspective

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Linsey Frawley

KW Cares: The Power of Amazing Love and Support

Hello Friends, Did you know that Keller Williams has a non-profit to help associates and their families in need? I’ve personally seen this incredible program in action, and it is important that our agents not only know that they have the power to make a difference, but also that in the unlikely tragic event, Keller Williams will support them. As

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Linsey Frawley

Commit to Self Mastery

Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope you are doing well and that you survived what may very well be the only little blizzard our MN climate will deliver this season. STOP FOCUSING ON THE DESTINATION AND START ENJOYING THE JOURNEY.I’d like to talk a little bit about the Six Personal Perspectives of successful real estate agents. If you’ve been through Ignite this will be

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Linsey Frawley

Trust the Process 2/9/24

TRUST THE PROCESS 2/9/24 Happy Friday, Friends! At Keller Williams, we spell out our beliefs in plain language:Win-Win: or no dealIntegrity: do the right thingCustomers: always come firstCommitment: in all thingsCommunication: seek first to understandCreativity: ideas before resultsTeamwork: together everyone achieves moreTrust: starts with honestyEquity: opportunities for allSuccess: results through people   Friends, I’d like to focus on Commitment today,

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Linsey Frawley

Intellectual Tourism 1/26/24

1/26/24 This might be a sensitive subject and I feel it is still important to address. In Episode 2 of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Podcast, Jason Abrams tossed out a term that landed heavy on me as a coach: Intellectual Tourism.  One of the Six Personal Perspectives of a successful real estate agent is to be Learning Based. Meaning, we should

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Linsey Frawley

Hygge 1/19/24

1/19/24 FROM WIKIPEDIA: (/ˈh(j)uːɡə/, H(Y)OO-gə; Danish: [ˈhykə]; Norwegian: [ˈhŷɡːə]) Hygge  is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a cozy, contented mood evoked by comfort and conviviality. As a cultural category with its sets of associated practices hygge has more or less the same meaning in both places and in both languages; however, the emphasis on hygge as a core part of Danish culture is a recent phenomenon, dating to the late 20th

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Linsey Frawley

Mindfulness + Productivity Apps 1/12/24

1/12/24 This week several of you asked me what my favorite apps are for mindfulness and productivity. I can’t think of a better time to share these with you than at the beginning of 2024 while we’re all tuning up our habits and goals. Enjoy!   MINDFULNESS CALM: This is designed to help you manage stress, sleep better, and live

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Linsey Frawley

Happy New Year 1/5/24

1/5/24 Happy New Year, Friends!  Here we go! 2024 is about to be on FIRE.  I’ve been working through my 4-1-1. I actually hybrid this with a 12-week-year format, so I’m essentially treating Q1 like it’s own year and when I visit my 4-1-1, I’ve added a quarterly tracker between my annual and monthly goals. This helps me and my

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Linsey Frawley

Vision Casting for 2024 12/22/23

12/22/23 Happy Friday, Friends!   Here we go! We’re on our way to a galactic calendar reset! As you embark on the final days of 2023, I want you to take some time to think critically and assess the progress you’ve made in the past 12 months and again evaluate what you want 2024 to do for you.  VISION CASTING

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Linsey Frawley

Because… 12/15/23

Happy Friday, Friends! It was really cool to see so many friendly faces at the Collective Holiday Party last night! My voice is gone, my feet are sore, and it was 100% worth it. I trust those of you who were in attendance had a blast like I did! Hey, a party like that doesn’t come easy. So if you

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Linsey Frawley

You Are Incredible 12/8/23

12/8/23 Happy Friday, Friends.   During the 2024 Game Plan class this week, many of us explored our personal habits and rituals, our areas of opportunity, and the ways in which we will make our five year dream a concrete reality. We practiced mindfulness techniques and we made commitments to ourselves to to improve our game and increase our chances

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Linsey Frawley

Safety First 12/1/23

12/1/23 Happy Friday, Friends. Have you ever felt like you were taking a chance with your safety?  While we often attend classes on how to grow our business and how to service our clients, I don’t think we spend enough time focusing on protecting ourselves. Our industry requires an enormous amount of interaction with people we don’t know.This means we need

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Linsey Frawley

Leaning In 11/24/23

11/24/23 Happy Friday, Friends! I trust you are enjoying a long weekend and that you are making memories with the people you love. This is a scheduled email, so please trust that I am 100% invested in my family time when this arrives in your inbox.  I am likely preparing for round two of binge eating and naps during the

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Linsey Frawley

Exactly What to Say 11/17/23

11/17/23 Happy Friday, Everybody! We have a short week coming up and I hope everyone is as pumped as I am to celebrate Thanksgiving! Heads up, I’ll be in the office on Monday and Tuesday and then I’m off for the rest of the week with my family. I can’t wait! PHIL M  JONES KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT TO SAYLast night

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Linsey Frawley

IGNITE On-Demand is LIVE! 11/10/23

Good Morning, Friends! Heads up,  my children will be home from school today. If you need to get ahold of me, my response time may be a lot slower than normal. We have slime plans. Please send sanity. I’m working on a couple of great workshops for December to help get us dialed in for 2024, and I’m looking forward

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Linsey Frawley

Plank With Purpose 11/3/23

11/3/23 Hello Friends! I hope every had an incredible Halloween! My littles looted our neighborhood in their headless horseman and dragon costumes and they scored way more candy than their little bodies could possibly handle. This was a great chance to connect with neighbors that I’ve not chatted with in a while, and I managed to squeeze in a few

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Linsey Frawley

Pivot Shift Ahead + John Moran 10/27/23

10/27/23 PIVOT: SHIFT AHEAD AND YOU If you haven’t already joined the Facebook Group called Pivot: Shift Ahead, you’ve been missing out. Former BOLD coach and genuinely wonderful human being James Shaw hosts a fuel-up call that is a huge boost for your morning motivations.  Pivot: Shift Ahead is a resource for all real estate agents during this unique market. They host

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Linsey Frawley

Mindset Matters: Four Ways to Keep Your Head in the Game 10/20/23

10/30/23 We’re fast approaching the release of the online resource website and I couldn’t be more excited! Over the past several months I’ve been filming the Ignite and Fundamentals series as well as new classes that I think would be most helpful to agents as they’re starting out. As I’ve been building it, I’ve been adding things that have been

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Linsey Frawley

What is My Potential? 10/13/23

10/13/23 Hello Friends!  BRR!  I hope you’re staying warm and dry this morning. We’re well on our way into soup and sweatpants season and I am HERE for it! This might be the day we light the fireplace for the first time this year and I can’t wait!    Don’t forget to stock your car with the seasonal necessities like warm blankets,

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Linsey Frawley

What is Your Message? 10/6/23

10/6/23 Hello Friends! The Business Planning Clinic was an outstanding success this week, and I’m glad I saw so many of you there! Tell me, are you ready for 2024? Is your financial plan already mapped out? Do you have a recipe for success? Let’s break down a few things to do to ensure that your next year is amazing. 

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Linsey Frawley

The Zestimate Tax 9/29/23

9/29/23 This is too good not to share! I had original words of wisdom for you and Jay Papasan nailed it again with his Twenty Percenter newsletter. This morning he talked about a recent mastermind with top agents and one specific, powerful touch stood out.  Here’s how the Zestimate Text works: Select a homeowner from your database. Look up their

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Linsey Frawley

Are You Average or Are You Great? 9/22/23

9/22/23 Hello Friends! We’re fast approaching Q4 and our 2024 planning is on the horizon. If you’re not already mapping out your goals and activities for next year, I strongly suggest you begin now. Two things to consider: 1. The results of our activities typically show up about three months after implementation. 2. If you ramp up for 2024 now,

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Linsey Frawley

One of My Favorite Questions: 9/8/23

9/8/23 Did you feel it? Did you feel the seasonal shift this week? I sure did. My kids jumped on a blistering hot bus on Tuesday and by Wednesday we were unpacking our flannels and knits. With every season, we’re often inspired to refresh. Refresh our homes, our wardrobes, our habits or our businesses. Declutter the desk, the bags, the

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Linsey Frawley

Twelve Questions and Ten Tools for Life and Work 9/1/23

9/1/23 Happy Friday, Friends!  Holy smokes, Summer Break pretty much over. My family is gearing up for a new schedule as our kiddos go back to school on Tuesday. I saw a very sweet Instagram short this week that we’re going to test drive on Monday morning: ‘Practice Donuts’. After a lazy summer, our kiddos need to get back into

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Linsey Frawley

Time Perspective 8/25/23

Happy Friday, Friends!    With school fast approaching, many of us are in a mad dash to go on that last trip, pay one more visit, or do that thing we thought we had all the time in the world to do.  Our race to jam in all of the experiences we’d hope to make for ourselves or our families

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Linsey Frawley

To the Newer Agent in a Shifting Market 6/2/23

6/2/23 Everyone says the market is going to get tougher. Here are my thoughts… Did I ever tell you about the time I watched a whole bunch of agents that I looked up to and respected just quit the business? I was left wondering: “Well if THEY can’t make it in this industry, how the heck am I going to do it?” Are any

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You might remember me writing about The Trust Edge awhile back, one of my favorite books from one of my favorite authors. David Horsager is a MN native and shortly after he published his first book, his entire team rented office space from the same brokerage I hung my license. Dual career during the market […] To access this post,

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Friends, this is it. It’s the end of the year. What? I know what you’re thinking. “Lins, it hasn’t even snowed yet. We’re nowhere near the end of the year.” Hear me out.  The indisputable law of real estate is that our actions today will garner results in roughly ninety days. Three months. One quarter. […] To access this post,

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This week I had the honor of teaching a class to a room full of professionals about pricing accurately. Pricing a home to sell is one part math, one part science, and one part magic. The magic isn’t so much wizardry as it is your ability to interpret market dynamics and apply that information to your strategy. Your fundamental role

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At a neighborhood potluck last weekend I had the genuine pleasure of meeting two of our newest neighbors and chatting with them about their favorite hobby: mountain biking. They’re SERIOUS about the sport and they travel all over the country seeking destinations and terrain varieties that I didn’t even know existed. When discussing the bikes that they ride, they rattled

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On August 15, 2024, Buyer Broker commissions disappeared from our local Multiple Listing Services and it felt like half of our industry members panicked. As professionals authorized to practice law in a very limited capacity, our agents and brokers are heavily regulated and rightfully so. We have all recently been bombarded with information from our local associations, our brokers, our colleagues,

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Mel Robbins says that we’re all afraid of the same thing.  Heights, small spaces, lions, clowns (don’t judge me)… it’s all the same. We’re afraid of the unknown. What are you afraid of? What is stopping you from doing the thing? What gets in the way? Let’s unpack that together… My own coach is out of the office with a medical

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5/31/24 Happy Friday, Friends! Stolen from my journal this week for your reflection and enjoyment, this message is for my fellow overachievers and the folks who keep piling things on their plates in the spirit of productivity. ​Folks, we’re forgetting something important. We’re forgetting to enjoy the process.  We just came off of a long holiday weekend, which was longer for

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On our path to mastering the six personal perspectives of a millionaire real estate agent, today we’re going to talk briefly about Step Six: Be Accountable.  It’s remarkable to me how many people are completely adverse to the word Accountability, and I think it’s because most people associate the word Accountability with the word Consequences, and the word Consequences is

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THE POST-IT TRICKAre you starting a new project? Finding yourself in a new career? Trying to unpack and prioritize your thoughts, ideas, and questions? Might I suggest a trick I used when I was beginning my career as a coach? I used post-it’s. Yep. Sticky notes. About four years ago,  I came off of maternity into a new role in leadership and I couldn’t seem to get myself

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SIX PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES STEP FIVE: REMOVE YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS On our path to mastering the six personal perspectives of a millionaire real estate agent, today we’re going to talk about Step Five: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs. Do you ever find a jerk on your shoulder telling you that you’re not ready, that you’re not good enough, that you don’t know enough,

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Happy Friday, Friends! This week I had the honor and pleasure of attending the Keller Williams Mega Leadership Conference down in Austin, TX. There I was able to connect with hundreds of KW leaders like myself and mastermind about different ways we can and will show up better for the agents we lead. What’s remarkable to me is that much of

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On our path to mastering the six personal perspectives of a millionaire real estate agent, today we’re going to talk about Step Four: Make Being Learning Based the Foundation of Your Action Plan.Being learning-based means having a mindset focused on continuous learning and growth. It involves being open to new ideas, seeking out knowledge and feedback, and actively pursuing opportunities

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5/3/24 We all stack habits regardless if we’re aware of it or not. What habits we stack are the key to how productive we are and how successfully we can achieve our goals.  Habit stacking is a productivity and habit formation technique where you build new habits by “stacking” them onto existing ones. It involves attaching a new habit to

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Happy Friday, Friends! This week I had an awesome opportunity to lead a discussion about defining your value as a real estate professional. As our industry and market evolves, our value proposition as well as our identity as professionals has never been more integral to our ability to survive and thrive in the real estate profession. Not too long ago I heard

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HOW IS THE MARKET? Are people asking you this? What’s your answer? My favorite response to “How’s the market” questions is one of curiosity. If appropriate, I’ll straight up say: “It’s great! Why do you ask?” Sometimes folks just ask because they don’t know how else to engage with you, their new real estate professional friend. A LOT of people

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Hello Friends! I trust you had a productive week this week! As we’re well into our second week of the second quarter of 2024, I realize that I’m probably not alone in my pursuit for the ultimate spring cleaning experience. This pertains to my home, my health, my relationships, and my business. Are you sorting and purging too? How’s that

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I’m going to veer away from real estate pep talks this time and do a little dive into something that keeps coming up in conversations with the agents I’m coaching, with my fellow leaders in and out of the industry, and with my friends and family.  Despite the arrival of spring, many people are still weathering the burden of the

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3/39/24 Happy Friday, Friends! Welcome back to the MN winter! I hope you traveled safely this week during the ice and snow, and I hope those of you returning from Spring Break had a wonderful and restive time. Let’s get into it.  I’m about to say something that is going to make many people, including me, kind of uncomfortable.  The word

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3/21/24 Happy Friday, Friends.  Last week, a landmark federal court decision was made that will absolutely impact the way we do business. Since then, we’ve been bombarded with speculations, accusations, and hypothetical solutions from the media, in our social channels, and from our colleagues in the industry. It’s important for agents to understand that we don’t have answers yet, as

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We’re natural helpers. We want to fix problems. We have this inherent need to be the solution finders for ourselves and to our people. It is so important that we learn how to stay our own course and keep our own oxygen masks on so we can best serve our clients, our loved ones, and ourselves.  How do we do

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3/15/24 Ok friend, truth time. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the words Time Blocking? If you are anything like the way I did when I began taking my real estate career seriously, you get uncomfortable.  To me, time blocking sounded like a chore, something that other people did. Something that didn’t really

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3/8/24 THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE CHALLENGE I can’t count how many times I’ve been to Keller Williams Family Reunion, and as the times pass, my takeaways have morphed from the specifics in the beginning to more general theories about real estate and coaching in general. The fundamental models are often reinforced in different ways and I’m not one to chase

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3/7/24 Happy Friday, Friends! I trust you had an incredible week and you’re absolutely crushing your goals for spring. Today concludes the first full week of March and do you know that that means? It means that we’re nearly finished with the first quarter of 2024! I know, it’s nuts. If you haven’t revisited your goals for 2024 lately do

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3/1/24 Happy Friday, Friends! I’ve been spending the week in Las Vegas at KW Family Reunion, and I can’t contain my excitement about all of the takeaways I get to share with you in the coming weeks from that incredible convention. I’m also completely giddy to share with you that my newest project is now complete! (SQUEEE!) It’s not a

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2/23/24 Hello Fearless  Agents!  Hey I’ve got an important question for you… Does lead generation sometimes feel ‘icky’ to you?  It really shouldn’t, and if it does, we need to figure that out right now.   FAILING FORWARD WITH FORD This week something came up not once but twice in coaching conversations that caused a seismic shift in the agent’s perspective

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Hello Friends, Did you know that Keller Williams has a non-profit to help associates and their families in need? I’ve personally seen this incredible program in action, and it is important that our agents not only know that they have the power to make a difference, but also that in the unlikely tragic event, Keller Williams will support them. As

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Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope you are doing well and that you survived what may very well be the only little blizzard our MN climate will deliver this season. STOP FOCUSING ON THE DESTINATION AND START ENJOYING THE JOURNEY.I’d like to talk a little bit about the Six Personal Perspectives of successful real estate agents. If you’ve been through Ignite this will be

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TRUST THE PROCESS 2/9/24 Happy Friday, Friends! At Keller Williams, we spell out our beliefs in plain language:Win-Win: or no dealIntegrity: do the right thingCustomers: always come firstCommitment: in all thingsCommunication: seek first to understandCreativity: ideas before resultsTeamwork: together everyone achieves moreTrust: starts with honestyEquity: opportunities for allSuccess: results through people   Friends, I’d like to focus on Commitment today,

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1/26/24 This might be a sensitive subject and I feel it is still important to address. In Episode 2 of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Podcast, Jason Abrams tossed out a term that landed heavy on me as a coach: Intellectual Tourism.  One of the Six Personal Perspectives of a successful real estate agent is to be Learning Based. Meaning, we should

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1/19/24 FROM WIKIPEDIA: (/ˈh(j)uːɡə/, H(Y)OO-gə; Danish: [ˈhykə]; Norwegian: [ˈhŷɡːə]) Hygge  is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a cozy, contented mood evoked by comfort and conviviality. As a cultural category with its sets of associated practices hygge has more or less the same meaning in both places and in both languages; however, the emphasis on hygge as a core part of Danish culture is a recent phenomenon, dating to the late 20th

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1/12/24 This week several of you asked me what my favorite apps are for mindfulness and productivity. I can’t think of a better time to share these with you than at the beginning of 2024 while we’re all tuning up our habits and goals. Enjoy!   MINDFULNESS CALM: This is designed to help you manage stress, sleep better, and live

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1/5/24 Happy New Year, Friends!  Here we go! 2024 is about to be on FIRE.  I’ve been working through my 4-1-1. I actually hybrid this with a 12-week-year format, so I’m essentially treating Q1 like it’s own year and when I visit my 4-1-1, I’ve added a quarterly tracker between my annual and monthly goals. This helps me and my

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12/22/23 Happy Friday, Friends!   Here we go! We’re on our way to a galactic calendar reset! As you embark on the final days of 2023, I want you to take some time to think critically and assess the progress you’ve made in the past 12 months and again evaluate what you want 2024 to do for you.  VISION CASTING

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Happy Friday, Friends! It was really cool to see so many friendly faces at the Collective Holiday Party last night! My voice is gone, my feet are sore, and it was 100% worth it. I trust those of you who were in attendance had a blast like I did! Hey, a party like that doesn’t come easy. So if you

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12/8/23 Happy Friday, Friends.   During the 2024 Game Plan class this week, many of us explored our personal habits and rituals, our areas of opportunity, and the ways in which we will make our five year dream a concrete reality. We practiced mindfulness techniques and we made commitments to ourselves to to improve our game and increase our chances

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12/1/23 Happy Friday, Friends. Have you ever felt like you were taking a chance with your safety?  While we often attend classes on how to grow our business and how to service our clients, I don’t think we spend enough time focusing on protecting ourselves. Our industry requires an enormous amount of interaction with people we don’t know.This means we need

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11/24/23 Happy Friday, Friends! I trust you are enjoying a long weekend and that you are making memories with the people you love. This is a scheduled email, so please trust that I am 100% invested in my family time when this arrives in your inbox.  I am likely preparing for round two of binge eating and naps during the

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11/17/23 Happy Friday, Everybody! We have a short week coming up and I hope everyone is as pumped as I am to celebrate Thanksgiving! Heads up, I’ll be in the office on Monday and Tuesday and then I’m off for the rest of the week with my family. I can’t wait! PHIL M  JONES KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT TO SAYLast night

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Good Morning, Friends! Heads up,  my children will be home from school today. If you need to get ahold of me, my response time may be a lot slower than normal. We have slime plans. Please send sanity. I’m working on a couple of great workshops for December to help get us dialed in for 2024, and I’m looking forward

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11/3/23 Hello Friends! I hope every had an incredible Halloween! My littles looted our neighborhood in their headless horseman and dragon costumes and they scored way more candy than their little bodies could possibly handle. This was a great chance to connect with neighbors that I’ve not chatted with in a while, and I managed to squeeze in a few

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10/27/23 PIVOT: SHIFT AHEAD AND YOU If you haven’t already joined the Facebook Group called Pivot: Shift Ahead, you’ve been missing out. Former BOLD coach and genuinely wonderful human being James Shaw hosts a fuel-up call that is a huge boost for your morning motivations.  Pivot: Shift Ahead is a resource for all real estate agents during this unique market. They host

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10/30/23 We’re fast approaching the release of the online resource website and I couldn’t be more excited! Over the past several months I’ve been filming the Ignite and Fundamentals series as well as new classes that I think would be most helpful to agents as they’re starting out. As I’ve been building it, I’ve been adding things that have been

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10/13/23 Hello Friends!  BRR!  I hope you’re staying warm and dry this morning. We’re well on our way into soup and sweatpants season and I am HERE for it! This might be the day we light the fireplace for the first time this year and I can’t wait!    Don’t forget to stock your car with the seasonal necessities like warm blankets,

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10/6/23 Hello Friends! The Business Planning Clinic was an outstanding success this week, and I’m glad I saw so many of you there! Tell me, are you ready for 2024? Is your financial plan already mapped out? Do you have a recipe for success? Let’s break down a few things to do to ensure that your next year is amazing. 

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9/29/23 This is too good not to share! I had original words of wisdom for you and Jay Papasan nailed it again with his Twenty Percenter newsletter. This morning he talked about a recent mastermind with top agents and one specific, powerful touch stood out.  Here’s how the Zestimate Text works: Select a homeowner from your database. Look up their

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9/22/23 Hello Friends! We’re fast approaching Q4 and our 2024 planning is on the horizon. If you’re not already mapping out your goals and activities for next year, I strongly suggest you begin now. Two things to consider: 1. The results of our activities typically show up about three months after implementation. 2. If you ramp up for 2024 now,

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9/8/23 Did you feel it? Did you feel the seasonal shift this week? I sure did. My kids jumped on a blistering hot bus on Tuesday and by Wednesday we were unpacking our flannels and knits. With every season, we’re often inspired to refresh. Refresh our homes, our wardrobes, our habits or our businesses. Declutter the desk, the bags, the

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9/1/23 Happy Friday, Friends!  Holy smokes, Summer Break pretty much over. My family is gearing up for a new schedule as our kiddos go back to school on Tuesday. I saw a very sweet Instagram short this week that we’re going to test drive on Monday morning: ‘Practice Donuts’. After a lazy summer, our kiddos need to get back into

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Happy Friday, Friends!    With school fast approaching, many of us are in a mad dash to go on that last trip, pay one more visit, or do that thing we thought we had all the time in the world to do.  Our race to jam in all of the experiences we’d hope to make for ourselves or our families

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6/2/23 Everyone says the market is going to get tougher. Here are my thoughts… Did I ever tell you about the time I watched a whole bunch of agents that I looked up to and respected just quit the business? I was left wondering: “Well if THEY can’t make it in this industry, how the heck am I going to do it?” Are any

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