Frawley Coaching

January 14, 2025

Hello friends! I trust you had an outstanding holiday break and your spring pipeline is full of outstanding opportunities. This is the first edition of the Frawley Coaching monthly newsletter, and I’d love to hear your feedback if you have time to tell me. Also, if this is helpful information to you, please share it with a friend!

In this edition, I’ll be vulnerable and hopefully informative. I’m sharing life and business tricks to manage the squirrels we all have in our brains, and I”m going to encourage you to settle in and trust the process of your growth and development.

Life is about the journey and not the destination, and this trip is getting just sweeter and sweeter.  From the absolute bottom of my heart, I thank you for coming along for the ride. 

Coach Lins 

Professional Project:
It terrifies me to put this out into the universe, and if I allow myself to live in fear, I’ll never grow. So. I’m going to tell you this anyway, even if I’m scared. 
Many of you know that it has been a long standing goal of mine to publish at least one book in my lifetime. I love writing and the creative space allows my busy brain to unload and sort itself neatly. As I transitioned from leadership to independent consulting last year, I realized that there is no better time than now to close this chapter of leading brand new agents in the industry with a prescriptive, easy to follow guide for people who want to get licensed and grow their businesses. I have a comprehensive outline drafted and as far as I’m concerned, the book is done, at least it is in my head. With time and persistence these ideas will pluck out of my noodle and onto a screen and at some point this year, should somewhat resemble a completed draft. So far, it’s going great although I know I’ll be running into some hiccups along the way, and I know I’m going to need to lean on some key leaders in my world to get this off the ground. 
Here’s my ask:
Please tell me what, if anything, you would have wanted to know in the beginning of your career or what you wish you would have done differently. I’d love to incorporate as many voices into this guide as possible, because as a village, we are all better learners and business owners. 
I will keep you updated on my writing journey, and I intend to share some content within this newsletter as well as on the Frawley Coaching blog and social channels. This is less about your curiosity (although if you’re curious, I’m chuffed), and more about my own accountability as I know the doldrums will be coming and I’ll be leaning on you, my colleagues and friends, to give me the nudges I need to see it to the finish line. 
Whew! That was probably really easy for you to read but holy smokes it was hard for me to say it out loud. This is real and I am ready.

I have ADHD. It’s no secret and I’m quite often super transparent about it. What I’ve come to learn about my particular form of Neurodiversity is something that I see in a lot of business owners: our penchants for hyper-fixations, our tendency to procrastinate, and our inability to measure time while living in the moment. I’m not saying everybody is the same, I’m saying this is how MY brain works. I want to share some tools with you that are valuable to me and how I operate my business and manage my squirrel brain. 

There is no boilerplate solution to increasing productivity that works for everybody, however if I find something that’s working for me, I’m going to share it with you! Let’s dig into this Productivity Token Theory…

A classic anecdote of mine about gardens and ponies and poop that nearly went off the rails… I’ve had more positive feedback about this particular blog post than anything else I’ve ever written.  Hang tight and enjoy!

Private Coaching Now Available!

Being on the sidelines, elbow to elbow with the players in the game is exactly where I love to be. I find more joy in helping people discover their own successes than anything else.  Quite a few agents have inquired about private coaching with me over the years and until now, I’ve not had the bandwidth or systems in place to accommodate those needs and requests, which really bummed me out. I love coaching! Recently, I’ve taken on several private coaching clients. My heart is so full and happy I could explode, and I’ve decided to take this adventure to the next level. I’m now officially signing private coaching agreements with real estate professionals who are committed to leveling up their businesses!  This is taking off way faster than I thought it would! I’m currently working with individual agents as well as team leaders who need additional accountability, challenges, and leadership insight.

If you or anyone you know might find value in a private consultation to talk about a coaching relationship, it would mean a lot to me if you reached out.  Candidates must be coachable, driven, and culture keepers in their individual brokerages. If the candidate is a KW agent, they must no longer be enrolled in Productivity Coaching. Those programs are gold (I know from experience) and I’m happy to take PC agents on once they’ve completed their initial coaching. 

Are you new to Frawley Coaching? Did someone you know and trust send this newsletter to you? Don’t miss a beat by signing up for our newsletter! Please click the link below and we’ll make sure you’re included in future publications.


My name is Linsey Frawley and I am a real estate coach and trainer. I’ve been in this industry in some capacity since 1996, where I worked the front desk of a small real estate office in Duluth and I managed the office Polaroid camera. I’m licensed as a Broker in Minnesota and Wisconsin and I own a Transaction Coordination company with my partner. My primary focus is coaching real estate professionals in their life and business, and I love helping people discover their inner strengths and opportunities. 

I live in Eden Prairie with my awesome husband, two amazing little kiddos, and two derpy mutts. In my free time I love throwing pottery, reading, gardening, attending live music or comedy shows, or renovating some corner of our home. 

About the Author

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