Frawley Coaching

Post Halloween Touch Idea

My feral children are completing the walk of shame to the bus, lamenting their choices to consume questionable levels of candy last night. I’m happy to have completed another chilly and safe tour of the neighborhood with our closest friends. I trust you also had a safe and happy Halloween. 

Today’s newsletter is short and sweet. If any of you follow me on the socials, you might have seen the costume I made for my daughter. It was… intense. I mom’d hard this week, my time was limited, and I have zero regrets. Both my kiddos had awesome costumes, but the big kid? Woah. That kid looked so rad!


I do have one great tip for you just the same… If you missed the chance to do some Halloween-themed lead generation this week, it’s not too late to take advantage of the holiday! Many organizations collect candy after Halloween and donate it to service members overseas, The Ronald McDonald House, and other worthy causes. Consider taking a couple of hours this afternoon to drop flyers around your farm or send a message out to your sphere offering to pick up candy over the weekend. It could be a several touch opportunity, since you’ll be making the offer, following up, collecting the candy, writing those so valuable thank you notes to the folks who contributed, and of course posting pictures and stories on social media telling your fans what you’re up to. Win win win win!

Please check out this article from Minnesota Parent to see where you might be able to drop off the unwanted candy that you gather. 


If nobody has told you yet today, I will. I believe in you and I love you and I know you’re going to do incredible things.


Coach Lins 

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